Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Lighting 2012

Lighting 2012 Serbian Lighting Society in accordance with the work program for 2012. year traditionally organizes conference "Lighting 2012". Conference will be held in Trebinje (Republic Serpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the period from 23 to 27 October, 2012. year. The deadline for submissions is 15 September, 2012. year. Papers should be sent at email d o s @ v e r a t. n e t, for more information, please contact us.

Osvetljenje 2012

Srpsko Društvo za Osvetljenje u skladu sa programom rada za 2012. godinu organizuje tradicionalno stručno savjetovanje "Osvetljenje 2012". Savetovanje će se održati u Trebinju (Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina) u periodu od 23. do 27. oktobra, 2012. godine. Rok za dostavu radova je 15. septembar, 2012. godine. Radove slati na d o s @ v e r a t . n e t. a za dodatne informacije nas kontaktirajte.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

SRMA / CPMA 2012

SRMA 2012 je međunarodni simpozijum studenata tehničkih fakulteta. Simpozijum je prilika da studenti predstave radove iz oblasti tehničkih nauka i iznesu svoje stavove i iskustva u primeni Bolonjskog principa školovanja. Rad može biti delo najviše tri autora a pravo učešća imaju studenti osnovnih i master studijskih programa.

Svaki rad mora da sadrži Izjavu o autentičnosti potpisanu od strane autora i mentora.
Svi prihvaćeni radovi će biti štampani u zborniku SRMA 2012.

Više informacija na http://www.srma.kg.ac.rs/

SRMA / CPMA 2012

СРМА2012 is an international symposium for students of technical faculties. The symposium is an opportunity for students to present their papers from in the field of technical sciences and express their opinions and experiences in the implementation of the Bologna principles in education. The maximum number of authors per paper is three, and the participants can be students of bachelor and master studies.
Each paper must contain The Statement of Authenticity signed both by the author and the mentor. All accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings СРМА2012.

30.6.2012. – Abstract submission
15.7.2012. – Abstract acceptance notification
30.9.2012. – Paper submission and registration fee payment
15.10.2012. – Notification of the programme and location venue of the symposium

More information on http://www.srma.kg.ac.rs/

Monday, May 14, 2012

World of Light - International Lighting Fair - Serbia

Outdoor lighting
Functional | decorative lighting
Specialized interior lighting
Lighting sources

Presentations of individual exhibitors as well as specialized lectures, seminars on the implementation of modern LED lights, both for public and decorative lighting ...

The aim of the World of Light fair is to become a traditional fair event that will be the main event for Southeast Europe!

Belgrade Fair | September 2013

Thursday, April 19, 2012


8 - 9. NOVEMBRA 2012. GODINE NA ARHITEKTONSKOM FAKULTETU U BEOGRADU Simpozijum je posveaćen prilagodjavanju pristupa i koncepta arhitektonskog projektovanja sa inkorporiranim instalacionim uredjajima i mrežama u arhitektonskim objektima i energetski efikasnim zgradama Rok za dostavljanje radova 15. september 2012.

ITB Park Indjija – First Embassy Group Project in Europe

The IT & Business Park at Indjija has been conceptualized as a business support and technology transfer initiative that will encourage and support the start-up and incubation of innovation-led, high-growth, knowledge-based businesses. It will provide an environment where large, global businesses can set up specialized centers of knowledge creation.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The theme of the Symposium will be the adoption of new approaches and concepts in architectural design, which would facilitate the integration of building services and energy effectiveness in contemporary facilities.
Deadline for papers 15th September 2012.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

LpS 2012 - 2nd LED professional Symposium +Expo - Europe's Foremost LED Lighting Technology Event

LpS (LED professional Symposium) is Europe's foremost LED lighting technology event for lighting experts in industry and research. The symposium covers LED/OLED lighting technologies for luminaries, lamps and modules focusing on new system approaches, new components and the most up to date design methodologies.

Monday, March 12, 2012

LogiMAT 2012

LogiMAT, the International Trade Fair for Distribution,
Materials Handling and Information Flow, sets new standards as the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe.

Between 13 and 15 March 2012 international exhibitors and decision-makers from industry, trade and the service sector will be coming together at the new exhibition centre at Stuttgart Airport to find new business partners. The focus will be on innovative products, solutions and systems for procurement, warehouse, production and distribution logistics. 

38 International Fair and Conference Fire and Rescue Risk and Emergency Management Occupational Safety & Health Care

Risk and Emergency management. Fire fighting. Fire Preventive – Structural Fire Protection. Rescue management. Flood, earthquake, chemical accidents management. Preventive. Occupational safety and health care. Medical care in emergency situations – disaster relief. Critical Data Protection/Recovery.
Integrated System 112 - for emergency response. Equipment, tools and special vehicles for fire and rescue intervention. Vehicles and equipment to operate in the presence of hazardous substances and dangerous materials transport. Equipment, vehicles - institutions for medical emergencies. Thermal video surveillance systems in specific applications. Preventive Protection against floods, earthquakes, chemical accidents. Preventive Protection of Critical Public Infrastructure in emergency situations. Protection of Critical Energy Facilities for the production and transmission of electricity production and transmission of gas and oil. Protecting high-risk public facilities: chemical, pharmaceutical industry, wood industry, airports, ports, highways, public facilities. Forest protection in emergency situations. Protection of Critical Municipal Infrastructure facilities for Water Supply. Traffic Control in Emergency Situations. Road safety - road, Rail transportation, tunnels safety. Safety and health at Work. Personal and collective equipment for health and safety at Work. Medical and other equipment for disaster response and disaster relief. Insurance as a Prevention Factor of emergency situations.


The objective of the Balkan Light 2012 conference is to provide an opportunity to exchange views on key areas of light and lighting, to present progress in technology and to discuss challenges for the future.
The conference will be a meeting place for lighting designers and people from industry, utilities, municipalities, research institutes and universities who have an interest in lighting research and development.
Even though Balkan Light is held in Balkan countries, participants from all over the world are welcome.