Risk and Emergency management. Fire fighting. Fire Preventive – Structural Fire Protection. Rescue management. Flood, earthquake, chemical accidents management. Preventive. Occupational safety and health care. Medical care in emergency situations – disaster relief. Critical Data Protection/Recovery.
Integrated System 112 - for emergency response. Equipment, tools and special vehicles for fire and rescue intervention. Vehicles and equipment to operate in the presence of hazardous substances and dangerous materials transport. Equipment, vehicles - institutions for medical emergencies. Thermal video surveillance systems in specific applications. Preventive Protection against floods, earthquakes, chemical accidents. Preventive Protection of Critical Public Infrastructure in emergency situations. Protection of Critical Energy Facilities for the production and transmission of electricity production and transmission of gas and oil. Protecting high-risk public facilities: chemical, pharmaceutical industry, wood industry, airports, ports, highways, public facilities. Forest protection in emergency situations. Protection of Critical Municipal Infrastructure facilities for Water Supply. Traffic Control in Emergency Situations. Road safety - road, Rail transportation, tunnels safety. Safety and health at Work. Personal and collective equipment for health and safety at Work. Medical and other equipment for disaster response and disaster relief. Insurance as a Prevention Factor of emergency situations.