Wednesday, June 06, 2012

SRMA / CPMA 2012

SRMA 2012 je međunarodni simpozijum studenata tehničkih fakulteta. Simpozijum je prilika da studenti predstave radove iz oblasti tehničkih nauka i iznesu svoje stavove i iskustva u primeni Bolonjskog principa školovanja. Rad može biti delo najviše tri autora a pravo učešća imaju studenti osnovnih i master studijskih programa.

Svaki rad mora da sadrži Izjavu o autentičnosti potpisanu od strane autora i mentora.
Svi prihvaćeni radovi će biti štampani u zborniku SRMA 2012.

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SRMA / CPMA 2012

СРМА2012 is an international symposium for students of technical faculties. The symposium is an opportunity for students to present their papers from in the field of technical sciences and express their opinions and experiences in the implementation of the Bologna principles in education. The maximum number of authors per paper is three, and the participants can be students of bachelor and master studies.
Each paper must contain The Statement of Authenticity signed both by the author and the mentor. All accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings СРМА2012.

30.6.2012. – Abstract submission
15.7.2012. – Abstract acceptance notification
30.9.2012. – Paper submission and registration fee payment
15.10.2012. – Notification of the programme and location venue of the symposium

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