Sunday, December 06, 2015

TUG 2016 - Presentations covering the TeX world

TUG 2016: July 25-27, 2016
The 37th Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group

Bond Place Hotel
65 Dundas St. East
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2GB, Canada

As usual, we'd like to especially invite presentations on practical use of LaTeX, plain TeX, ConTeXt, MetaPost, and the rest of the TeX family, including in the world of commercial ventures.

For 2016, we expect to have several special guests from the typographic world. So typography presentations are particularly welcome, not necessarily with a TeX connection.

However, none of the above should be taken as exclusionary: presentations on new TeX developments, publishing, or any topic related to the TeX world are also happily considered.

If you'd like to make a presentation at the conference, please submit a title and abstract via email (plain ASCII is fine, or any TeX format—but no footnotes, please) to by May 1, 2016, and also specify your affiliation as you would like it listed in the program. Earlier submissions are greatly appreciated. Please also write us at that same email address for any questions, suggestions, expressions of interest, etc.

Submissions after the deadline will be considered, as long as space is available. But to ease our planning, please at least contact us by the deadline.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

2015 FERMA Forum

Dear Colleagues,

I invite you to join me in Venice from 4 to 7 October with more than 1500 risk professionals at the Venice Lido for the 2015 FERMA Forum.

Trieste, Genoa and Venice have been the cradle of European insurance and risk management since the 14th century thanks to their maritime and trading activities and so Venice is a very appropriate as well as a very special venue for the largest European risk and insurance management event.

Together in Venice we will:

  • Focus on our profession, innovation and diversity.
  • Participate in a programme designed to inspire, educate and influence how we manage risk in a riskier world.
  • Network with risk and insurance professionals.
  • Attend the launch of the FERMA European Risk Management Certification.
  • Find inspiration from the latest innovative solutions and experts in the Market Place exhibition area.
  • Join colleagues at the Young Risk Professionals Breakfast and Ladies’ Lunch.
  • Take away ideas to help us develop as professionals and add value to our organisations.

The Forum will build on the discussions and feedback from 2013 Forum in Maastrict and the 2014 Seminar in Brussels.  It will focus on FERMA’s core activities: representing our national associations at a European level; increasing the influence and reputation of risk management and insurance; and providing guidance to our members and a pan-European voice on EU matters.

The FERMA Board, Secretariat and Forum Committee all join me in extending a warm welcome in Venice.  We have set our expectations high and for participants to come away believing they have gained professionally and personally from being there.

Please join us – this is your Forum!

YoJulia Grahamurs sincerely,
Julia Graham
President of FERMA

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Petrochemical Operations, Maintenance & Safety Conference 2015

The Petrochemical Operations, Maintenance & Safety 2015 Conference will bring together senior level executives from plant operations, maintenance and safety teams, at top petrochemical companies and EPC groups, with real purchasing and decision making capabilities!

This high level conference will bring together speakers from the USA’s leading petrochemical companies, who will collaborate at a high level on their strategies to overcome challenges to operational excellence, maintenance and safety.

What the brochure contains:

  • Full timed conference agenda and speaker line up
  • Exclusive networking opportunities: details on our tailor made networking sessions, allowing you to meet the right people, increase your market presence, impress potential clients and form crucial partnerships
  • Key info on how and when to register as well as exclusive discounts 

The very best speakers confirmed to take part:

  • Tahmid Mizan, Senior Technology Advisor, Corporate Strategic Planning, Exxon Mobil Corporation
  • Fanar Sefa, Reliability & Maintenance Group Leader, The Dow Chemical Company
  • Bryan Shaw, Chairman, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
  • Manuel Ehrlich, Board Member, Chemical Safety Board
  • John Bresland, Former CEO & Chairman, U.S Chemical Safety Board
  • Heinz P. Bloch, P.E. Mechanical Engineering Authority, Consultant and Author
  • Troy Carline, Operational Excellence Manager, North America, BASF

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Schneider Electric announces the signature of a worldwide contract with Eplan to roll-out its E-CAD solution

Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management and automation, today announced Eplan becomes its major E-CAD solutions provider to design the products of its Energy division on a global scale.

Eplan Platform enables Schneider Electric to optimize its complete workflow from design to production. The solution helps to structure and to centralize the components database and facilitate knowledge management. All the know-how is embedded, up-to-date and available for each entity. With Eplan Platform, Schneider Electric targets to significantly increase productivity by standardizing all the components and reusing them.

“For a long time, each entity of Schneider Electric’s Energy Division across the world has worked with its own tools and implemented specific design processes, explains M. Frédéric Abbal, Executive Vice-President, Energy division at Schneider Electric. “However, these working methods could no longer exist in our organization, in a period where we seek, more than ever, collaboration and efficiency. With the implementation of Eplan Platform, Schneider Electric expects to centralize its know-how, enhance collaboration between sites and balance workload according to the different projects.”

Haluk Menderes, Managing Director Eplan, adds: “We are very excited to have been chosen by Schneider Electric globally as the single platform for electrical engineering solutions. We are very happy to start this strong strategic partnership with Schneider Electric. The combination of our 30 years of experience in engineering solutions and the know-how of one of the worldwide largest player in the energy domain will bring the best in class processes to a greater electrical engineering and manufacturing efficiency to Schneider Electric.”

During a 3-month pilot phase, Eplan Platform has been implemented in 3 sites: Chartres-de-Bretagne (France), Regensburg (Germany) and Manisa (Turkey). This successful first phase allowed teams to align goals and expectations and led to the signature of a global contract to roll-out Eplan Platform in all entities of the Energy division. Eplan´s leadership and its ability to support entities globally were determining factors in this choice.

Friday, April 03, 2015

FIREX International 2015

Driving global expertise in life safety

FIREX International is back for 2015 on 16-18 June at London ExCeL. FIREX is the industry's only event connecting the global security and fire markets, and offers fire and security professionals access to leading global technology, solutions and knowledge to ensure life safety.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


DITUR is the National Organization of Engineers and Technicians for Directing Fire Risks – a member of CFPA – Confederation of Fire Protection Associations International.

In the last 15 years DITUR has organized five international conferences in Belgrade – every two years – that has attracted a large number of visitors and eminent lecturers from both Serbia and abroad. This year the fifth international
conference will be held on 20th and 21h of October in Sava Center, Belgrade.
DITUR’s conferences, with large number of visitors (at least 300 of them) and guests from abroad (11), present the most current achievements from the fire protection field, fire fighting tactics concerning the operational equipment and further development of Serbian fire insurance companies when it comes to the technical management of fire risks. DITUR’s lectures on this conference can help the creation and control of standards in Serbia that can equal those of the European Union. They can also point out the current problems of special requirements in field of fire protection and risk management.

International Conference DITUR 2015 will utilize typical stands (6 m2) within the exhibition space of Sava Center.

The main topics of DITUR 2015 conference are:
• Measuring Quality of Fire Safety Engineering Designs
• Architectural Trends – sub-zero; multi use; high rise
• Measuring the Cost Efficiency of Fire Engineering Design – the Cost over the Life Cycle
• Halth & safety
• How to define the goals of the Fire Safety Engineer?
• What price is paid for the level of fire safety?
• Fire Prevention
• Firefighting tactigs depending on the an able equipment
• Technical risk managment in insurance


Monday, February 09, 2015


Electrical CAD and Wiring Diagram Software

Elecdes is the 2D electrical CAD design module of EDS, used for the production of intelligent circuit diagrams including; electrical schematic diagrams, wiring diagrams, 1 line diagrams, cable block diagrams and loop diagrams. Elecdes has a rich set of CAD drawing and database tools to automate and speed the production of electrical circuit diagrams, and comes with standard symbol and manufacturers parts libraries.

For Electrical Schematic and Wiring Diagram Designers

Elecdes electrical CAD software is for users creating multi-sheet electrical CAD circuit diagrams for construction, switchgear, process, vehicle, control, manufacturing, power generation, and transmission and distribution (T&D) industries.

Instrument Manager

Instrumentation and Loop Diagram Software

A new "data-centric" Instrument design and documentation system. Used for the automated production of instrumentation documents such as, Instrument Data Sheets, Loop Diagrams, Hook up Diagrams, Wiring /Terminal Strip diagrams, Instrument Index report, Bill of materials report, Cables Schedule report, Interconnection reports and many other documents. Live linking with AutoCAD P&ID software.

For Instrumentation and Control System Design Engineers

Instrumentation or Control system design engineers. These Engineers will typically be working with PLC or DCS based control systems for continuous processes. The instrumentation, I/O and connectivity for these controls systems requires a significant level of documentation (eg datasheets and loop diagrams), all of which can be efficiently produced with Instrument Manager.

Electrical Raceway Design and Cable Routing Software

Paneldes Raceway is the 3D CAD design module of EDS used for the creation of Plant Raceway models. Paneldes software performs cable routing, cable filling and cable length calculations, as well as interference analysis and materials reporting.

For Construction Engineers with Electro-Mechanical Design Requirements

Paneldes Raceway software is for construction engineers with electro-mechanical design and cable management requirements, such as those designing plant cable raceway, ductbank, cable tray and cable ladder layout, and cable routing.

Automated Cable Routing

Software algorithm for automated cable route optimization, and calculation of cable length and fill.
Filling optionally compliant with N.E.C.
Override auto-routes by manually specifying an entire route or set "way-points" through which the conductor must pass.
Override auto-routes by manually locking routes.
User defined levels of cable power segregation and mixing.
Project milestone based cable route issues are handled and managed. Design/ routing and installation can be overlapped for fast turnaround projects with the "ROUTED/ISSUED/PULLED" system. This system provides milestone based "partial cable/route/fill schedules" which do not conflict as the installation progresses.
Cable tray and conduit "Snug Fit" system optimises cable routing linearity and speed by intelligently and statistically optimising cable raceway intersections.
Automated 3D cable route diagram with integral labelling and fill intelligence.
Raceway network consistency checker. This highlights potential problems in an electrical raceway network.

Cable Raceway, Cable Tray, and Cable Ladder Design

Parametric shapes for Areas, Enclosures, Devices, Instruments, Cable Tray, Cable Ladder, Trench, Conduit, Ductbank, Fittings, Accessories with Automated 3D SNAP.
User defined 3D and 2D block options for visual accuracy.
Automated model creation / device / instrument insertion from a database of components with their 3D locations.
Automated "Ductbank Editor" is a tool to create and edit parallel arrays of conduit in concrete filled trenches.
Automated "incremental" tag name defaulting - with user programmable tagnames!
Automated selection of components from preliminary one lines and block diagrams AND final circuit diagrams.
Database driven component sizing/block selection via Elecdes catalog databases [ODBC].
Automated bill of materials and quantity summary.
Component placement cross checks.
Tag name duplication cross checks.
Database driven global editor for changing tags, specs and sizes of multiple components in a single operation.
"Query" function provides fill and other details about the cable and the raceway segments.

Balkan Light 2015

Balkan Light 2015

That is the 6th Balkan Light Conference, a conference which takes place every 3 years and serves as the premier Balkan and international forum on the field of lighting engineering.

Date: September 16, 2015 - September 19, 2015
Location: Athens, Greece
Balkan Light 2015

Scope of the conference:
The objective of Balkan Light 2015 conference is to provide an opportunity to exchange views on key areas of light and lighting engineering, to present progress in technology and to discuss challenges for the future.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

Lighting in antiquity
Illumination of archaeological sites, monuments and museums
Lighting in architecture
Interior & exterior lighting
Lighting technology
Lighting calculations and measurements
Energy efficiency and economics of lighting
Standards and legislation in lighting
Human aspects of lighting
Participation in the conference is not limited to academics and scientists from the Balkan countries. Participations from all over the world are also warmly welcome.


DITUR je Društvo inženjera i tehničara za upravljanje rizicima Srbije u sastavu CFPA Konfederacije asocijacija zaštite 
od požara Evrope i sveta.
U poslednjih petnaest godina DITUR je organizovao četiri medjunarodna savetovanja u Beogradu (svake druge godine) sa velikim brojem posetioca i predavača iz inostranstva i Srbije. Ove godine se održava peto medjunarodno
savetovanje od 20. do 21. oktobra 2015. god. u Sava Centru - Beograd.
Savetovanja DITUR-a, sa velikim brojem posetilaca (oko 300) i gostiju iz inostranstva (10), baziraju se na rešavanju
najnovijih dostignuća iz oblasti preventive požara, vatrogasne taktike u funkciji opreme i delovanja osiguravača Srbije
na kontrolu i razvoj misli o tehničkom upravljanju rizicima požara. Predavanja na DITUR-ovom savetovanju mogu
da posluže stvaranju i kontroli standarda Srbije u odnosu na Evropsku zajednicu. Takodje mogu da ukažu na tekuće
probleme specijalnih zahteva iz oblasti zaštite od požara i uravljanja rizicima.
Međunarodno savetovanje DITUR 2015 predvidja i tipske štandove (6m2) u sastavu izložbenog prostora Sava Centra,
po ceni od 60.000 dinara sa PDV-om za ceo štand. U cenu je uračunata oprema štanda, elektro priključak i
reklama zakupca štanda.
Osnovne teme savetovanja DITUR 2015 su:
• Ocene kvaliteta projekta inženjera zaštite od požara
• Trendovi u arhitekturi; Javni i industriski objekti ;
• Ocena finansijske efikasnosti projekta inženjera zaštite od požara
• Eksploatacioni troškovi tokom životnog ciklusa opreme za zaštitu od požara
• Zdravlje i zaštita na radu
• Kako definisati ciljeve inženjer zaštite od požara?
• Odnos nivoa zaštite od požara i cene koštanja
• Preventiva zaštite od požara
• Vatrogasna taktika u funkciji raspoložive opreme
• Tehnička upravljanje rizicima u osiguranju