Sunday, September 20, 2015

2015 FERMA Forum

Dear Colleagues,

I invite you to join me in Venice from 4 to 7 October with more than 1500 risk professionals at the Venice Lido for the 2015 FERMA Forum.

Trieste, Genoa and Venice have been the cradle of European insurance and risk management since the 14th century thanks to their maritime and trading activities and so Venice is a very appropriate as well as a very special venue for the largest European risk and insurance management event.

Together in Venice we will:

  • Focus on our profession, innovation and diversity.
  • Participate in a programme designed to inspire, educate and influence how we manage risk in a riskier world.
  • Network with risk and insurance professionals.
  • Attend the launch of the FERMA European Risk Management Certification.
  • Find inspiration from the latest innovative solutions and experts in the Market Place exhibition area.
  • Join colleagues at the Young Risk Professionals Breakfast and Ladies’ Lunch.
  • Take away ideas to help us develop as professionals and add value to our organisations.

The Forum will build on the discussions and feedback from 2013 Forum in Maastrict and the 2014 Seminar in Brussels.  It will focus on FERMA’s core activities: representing our national associations at a European level; increasing the influence and reputation of risk management and insurance; and providing guidance to our members and a pan-European voice on EU matters.

The FERMA Board, Secretariat and Forum Committee all join me in extending a warm welcome in Venice.  We have set our expectations high and for participants to come away believing they have gained professionally and personally from being there.

Please join us – this is your Forum!

YoJulia Grahamurs sincerely,
Julia Graham
President of FERMA